Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Owen - 4 weeks

We had our one month check-up at the pediatrician yesterday. Owen weighs 9 pounds 6 ounces which is at 50%. He is 21 1/2 inches long which again is at 50%. The doctor said everything looked good. He does have a blocked tear duct in his right eye which is gross. Most mornings his eye is sealed shut with green goop. It is so sad because he tries so hard to open it before I can clean it off.

Owen has been very sporadic in his nighttime sleeping patterns. He has gone as long as 8 1/2 hours and then as little as 2 hours. Typically, he has one really good night followed by a short night. At least I am getting some sleep. We discovered that salad was causing him to be constipated so I can't eat one of my favorite things for a while.

Owen rolled over when he was 8 days old and held his head up at 10 days. He can now hold it up for a long time and loves being held on your shoulder so he can look around at everything.

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe he's a month old! Love the pictures you sent too.
