Friday, September 21, 2012

36 Weeks

While at work yesterday, I got a really bad dizzy spell. I get them when I am not pregnant and it doesn't usually scare me. This one would not go away so I started to get worried. I ate a snack and drank some water hoping that would help. No such luck. I went to a pharmacy to take my blood pressure and it was high. I called the nurse at my doctor and she told me to go home immediately to rest. If I had a severe headache or blurred vision, I had to go to the hospital. Luckily, it did not come to that and I was thankful I had my 36 week check-up the next morning.

My blood pressure was back to normal this morning so that was a relief. My doctor told me to eat more protein throughout the day and to rest when possible. She did my Group B Strep culture and a cervix check to make sure the baby's head was down. She said she could not even feel the head so she wanted to get an ultrasound to make sure. I knew the baby's head was down because I constantly feel it on my bladder, have a foot in my rib cage and a butt at the top of my belly. Anyway, I was excited to get to see the baby. I did not have an US this late in my pregnancy with Owen. I made sure the tech knew I did not want to know the sex. She took her measurements and then I got to see the screen. So cool! I saw the baby's head which is apparently already covered in hair. I also got to see the brain, top part of the spine, heartbeat and a little hand. The tech did not want to show too much of the body in case the baby moved.

My amniotic fluid levels are good and she said the placenta looked perfect. My belly on the outside was measuring 37 weeks. From inside, she was getting 37 weeks and 4 days. She said the baby already weighs 7 pounds. We knew this was going to be another big baby but if they really gain an ounce a day, this one could be a 9 pounder!

I am still feeling dizzy so I have been instructed to rest over the weekend. This is not easy for me to do especially with so much to get done before the baby arrives. I will try my best to relax although Owen may have different plans.

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