Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Doctor Update

I went to the doctor on Monday and had my 20 week Ultrasound. I will have to post a picture of the baby later because I left it at home. Such a bad Mom already! Dr. Garcia said everything looked great with the baby. The heartbeat was around 140 bpm which is good. Lentil was moving all around the place although I still can't feel him/her. All of the organs looked good, the heart was healthy and seeing the spine was amazing. I was measuring 19 weeks and 4 days so the size of the baby is right on target. I will not mention how much weight I have gained since becoming pregnant but I am a little over the recommended amount. I was kind of bad last weekend since we were at the lake and Sara was in town. I am not to blame though.
There is this quaint restaurant and bakery in Lavonia called Cafe 211. It is owned and operated by Mennonite women. They have the most wonderful homemade foods that include hot dishes, soups, salads and sandwiches. The desserts are what get me into trouble. Mile high layer cakes and pies all made from scratch with very generous portions. They are delicious and very hard to resist. I will try to do better next time.


  1. So glad the appointment went well! I can't wait to see the picture!

    And enjoy all the food you can now!!!

  2. I agree with Renee. Don't sweat it. You will be on the "chasing a toddler/I can't eat because I have to make sure everyone else is eating" diet before you know it.
