Thursday, March 24, 2011

On the Move

This little one is mobile. If you put him on the ground at one end of the room, he will roll around until he is at the other end. It is such a fun thing to watch. He is trying so hard to learn how to crawl. He can push himself up with his arms while on his stomach. And he gets his knees tucked under him. But then all he knows how to do is roll over. He wakes up the mornings talking to himself and kicking his body around in circles in his crib. I never know how I am going to find him after sleeping. I am excited for him to start crawling. I guess we should start baby proofing our house soon!

 Rolling Over

 Owen loves (to eat) this mirror and will just laugh at his reflection.

Big Smiles

The picture above reminded me of one of my baby pictures. Any resemblance?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness...he def resembles you in that picture.
