Friday, March 18, 2011

Talk Talk Talk

Starting Wednesday of last week, Owen has really started "talking." He says da da, ba ba and occasionally ma ma. I have not captured a good video of it yet but once he starts talking, he will go on for an hour. He usually chatters the entire way home from daycare and on our walks around the neighborhood. He talks during his bath and in the mornings when I am getting ready. I wake up to him talking to himself in his crib. I am so glad that he wakes up happy. It is the sweetest alarm to hear in the morning. Sorry this video is so dark but I was afraid he would stop if I moved.

I tried to get a video of the sounds he makes when he is eating. It is the cutest thing. He makes a sound every time he takes a bite like yum! Every single bite. I love it. Perhaps when Erik is home I can get a better shot. It was kind of hard to feed him and record at the same time.

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