Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor today for my 16 week visit. All of my blood tests from the previous visit came back negative which is great. I got to hear the baby's heartbeat again which is just an amazing sound. It was much louder than last time which is a good sign. The lentil was moving around like crazy.

I have been really worried about my weight gain over the past few weeks. I have been working out every day and eating the right foods. But I just feel like I have gained so much. Well, I stepped on the scale and only gained 2 pounds in 4 weeks which is right on track. Yay! I guess my body is just changing and adjusting getting ready for the baby.

I scheduled my 20 week ultrasound for May 10th. If we were going to find out what the sex is, we would know in 4 weeks. I can't wait to see how much the lentil has grown and changed since my last ultrasound.

I decided to register for Prenatal Yoga classes once a week. There is a great studio in between work and our house so it will be convenient. I have heard it is very beneficial for labor and a fast recovery after delivery. I am going out of town next week so I will start the following week. I can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Prenatal Yoga is AWESOME! and plus, you deserve it! I believe that it helped me a ton with my delivery and pregnancy. It was great! Have fun!
