Friday, April 16, 2010


How do you register for baby stuff? It is really overwhelming because there are so many items out there. For every item like a Pack 'n Play, there are 15 different brands with 30 different kinds and then 20 variations of colors and patterns.

When Erik and I registered at Macy's for our wedding it took us 10 hours. I can't even begin to imagine how long this might take. I am trying to do some background research online to get us started. The only thing I have done is look up car seats to find the safest and easiest to release. I also found the stroller to match.

There are so many lists out there that seem pretty extensive and I highly doubt we will need everything on them. Do you really need a glider, bouncer, swing, jumper and exersaucer? Someone did suggest the Snap and Go which looks like a great thing to have for errands with a baby. I am open to any other suggestions on brands or items to buy or things that I really don't need.


  1. Things I found were completely unneeded:
    diaper genie (just take out the trash!); walker; wipe warmer; exersaucer/jumper/glider, etc.; bottle sterilizer

    BRU, etc. make you believe you need so much stuff, which to a degree is true, but not to that extent. You will be surprised at the things you think you HAVE to have and end up never taking out of the box. I thought we HAD to purchase an expensive rocker/glider and we got in a huge fight bc DH said we did not need. He was right - the IKEA chair we already had was all I have ever needed.

    That is my opinion and I realize everyone's experience is different. I have a very agreeable child who doesn't care about most things. :)

  2. Items that we could not live without: swaddle blankets ( if you need them, the ones at BRU actually don't get them tight enough in my opinion, but Connor had reflux and was always crying so hopefully your situation will be different)!Johnny jump up, exersaucer, bouncer, swing (like Renee's) tub, video monitors are AWESOME!, tummy time mat. Hope this helps!

  3. Most stuff you don't need right away. A swing or bouncer is a nice place to put the baby when they are newborn to give your arms a rest, unless the crib is right by you (I have a three story house...).

    From my experience (I'm a week away from baby #3 joining the family) a wipe warmer is TOTALLY UNNEEDED! But with baby #1 we didn't use a diaper genie (or related diaper pail) and found that it made the room stink unless you took the diapers out immediately (who has the time/energy with a newborn) so with baby #2 we got one and it was a BIG IMPROVEMENT.

    The first time I registered, I went with a friend who was an experienced mom and she gave me her thoughts on what you need/don't need. It was a big help for me.

    My two cents...
